Elder; Lay Pastor
Ben Abrahamsen grew up in Redding and was saved at Cow Creek Community Church. He graduated from the University of Rochester with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After living in upstate NY for a few years, Ben returned to Redding and started Frontier Consulting Engineers in 2011. Between 2013 and 2020, Ben completed a theological degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been attending Cow Creek since 2015.
Area of Oversight: Missions
Family: Ben and Natalie were married in 2009, and they have 4 children: Eliya, Anna, Lydia, and John.
Passionate Hobby: Reading, playing basketball and tennis, backpacking.
A Favorite Book: Wingfeather Saga (Andrew Peterson), Till We Have Faces (C.S. Lewis), The Glory of Christ (John Owen), and the ever-expanding John Piper corpus.