Doctrine and Life Class:
How to Study the Bible
Teacher: Sam Klass
Location: Sanctuary Bookroom
Meeting Time: Sunday Morning 9:00 am
Date: Starting January 12, 2025 for 15 classes
Summary: “…..But that’s just your interpretation”. This is a common
statement in Christian culture. You’ve probably heard it, perhaps you
have said it! It can be used to undermine objective, knowable truth of
scriptures. So how can we be confident that what we believe is God’s
truth, and not just our misinformed interpretation? Join us in a class on
“How to Study the Bible” where we will be learning the fundamental
principles for interpreting the Scriptures according to God’s intended
Biblical Studies Class:
1 Thessalonians
Teacher: Jeremy Twombley
Location: Adult classroom in the Education Building
Meeting Time: Sunday Mornings 9:00 am
Date: Starting January 12, 2025 for 15 classes
Summary: "It’s vital for every Christian to become more and more
familiar with their Bibles over the course of their Christian life. This is
why we provide regular classes like this where we work through whole
books of the Bible together. This class will be on the first letter Paul
wrote to the church in Thessalonica. You can read the story of how Paul
planted the church in this major Macedonian city in Acts 17. He wasn’t
able to stay long before he was run out of town by the Jews, and the
fledgling church left behind was thrown into a cauldron of persecution.
Paul’s concern to see this church endure in the midst of various severe
difficulties is reflected in what he wrote to them. As we study this letter
together, we will learn many things from the encouragements,
exhortations, and instructions Paul provides the Thessalonian
Christians in its pages. "